Twitter / john_fan

Saturday, February 3, 2007


When I was in Taipei, I went to the Museum of Tomorrow, which is a new exhibition space near 光華商場 (which has been dismantled and moved to a new building).

The main exhibit was FLOWmarket, which consists of plain white packaging of various shapes and sizes, similar to those found in an ordinary supermarket. Each item has a somewhat abstract phrase printed on it, such as "clean air", "collective consciousness", "a feeling of safety", "sustainable innovation", "balance"... By placing these concepts into a commercial package, the piece raises questions of our commercial society --- what can and cannot be bought.

What's interesting is that each of the items is actually for sale too at the exhibit!

Above the exhibit, there is a large banner with a quote from Marshall McLuhan: "There are no passengers on spaceship earth. We are all crew."

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