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Monday, June 4, 2007

Technology Entertainment and Design (TED)

The brilliant expositions, profound vignettes, distillations of wisdom, and general ruminations from this annual conference are online and also available on iTunes -- definitely worth checking out!

My favorites so far:
David Deutsch - on being improbable
Jeff Han - multitouch (now seen in the iPhone and Microsoft Surface)
David Pogue - humorous musical takes (a la Tom Lehrer) on software
Tony Robbins - motivational speaker and life coach
Hans Rosling - making demographic statistics (and swordswallowing) come alive
Seth Godin - sliced bread and marketing by being risky
Jeff Bezos - the early days of the electric industry... and the internet
Rick Warren - a purpose-driven talk -- what is in your hand?
Barry Schwartz - choices make us less happy
Steven Levitt - the freakonomics of Chicago gangs
Jeff Hawkins - the brain as a prediction engine

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